Ways to Give


Make a donation to the circus expansion project to see the impact of your gift today and leave your legacy. The FSU Foundation accepts gifts of cash, stock and other assets. 


Many companies match employee contributions to the FSU Foundation. 


You can make a gift every month, quarter or year. Recurring gifts are an easy, automatic way to support the expansion project that works for your budget and schedule. Your recurring gift can always be altered to fit your personal situation. 

More Ways To Give

Leave a Bequest

You can support this Expansion Project without making a donation now. Consider leaving a charitable bequest
in your will or make the FSU Circus a beneficiary of your insurance or retirement policy to support this project
for future generations. 
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Charitable Gift Annuities

Charitable gift annuities are a great way to contribute to the circus. It will allow you to support the Circus Expansion Project while receiving fixed payments for life and some tax benefits.

Benefits will vary depending on your age and personal circumstances. 
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IRA Rollovers

Make a difference today and save on your taxes. Beginning when you turn 70.5, you can choose an amount to
give from your IRA to the FSU Circus without having to pay income taxes. This option allows you to make an
immediate impact on this project. 
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Gifts of Real Estate

Gifts of real estate help us continue our mission whilst helping you. When you give an appreciated property you
have held longer than one year, you qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction, avoid paying capital
gains tax, and no longer have to deal with property maintenance costs, property taxes or insurance. 
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Other Ways to Give

There are even more ways to give that can provide a benefit to you and the FSU Circus Expansion Project. To
learn more about Charitable Lead Trusts, Charitable Remainder Trusts, Donor Advised Funds and more,
please contact Alanna Kibiloski, Director of Development at akibiloski@fsu.edu or 850-645-4820.
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